well....a while ago, my family moved our way on into Lehi!! Kims family was nice enough to let us take their basement for a little while until my dad is done with his schooling. This place was a paradise for me and my family! Trey got to hang out with megan, my mom and dad got little friends to chat and go on doubles dates with. And i got froo :) hailey, and kolby are mutual to all of us. Hailey is 11 years old, almost 12 and ready to go into young womens! Although she's already is qualified, since she acts like a 16 year old girl with her gossip and wanting for new clothes and make-up :) and kolby pretty much plays with everyone in my family. I'm the one he goes to when he wants to play cards, trey's the one he goes to when he wants to wrestle, and my dads the one he goes to when he wants to beat the "old man" at his football video game. :) living here has been a great blessing, and a TON of fun :) Kassidy and Kolby pick me up from school everyday, which is fun :) and a big relief on my mom! Both our families sometimes plan fun activities to do with eachother. And kassidy makes me smile atleast 50 times a day :) but, living with kassidy means one thing....model pictures! Now, i hate getting my picture taken, but once in a while i'll let kassidy have her fun with the camera :) here's some recent pics kassidy took of us a couple days ago at a

field by our neighborhood. Hailey also helped with the pictures :)

Hi! this is Aunt Sharla! I think it is so awesome that you guys have such great family/friends to live with! That is really a perfect set up! Family makes the best friends and of course you already know that cause you have so much fun with your mom and dad and cute Trey!